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Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Civil Rights Movement. Wikimedia, N.D. Internet. 7 May 2012.
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This is important in history because of all of the events that changed the way how society was before. It showed how each and everyone of us can work together as one that didn't matter on what you're color or nationality was. It showed how everyone can be equal. Since everyone worked together as one in the wars, at home they decided to work together against discrimination to fight the war at home. It started the beginning of other movements too such as the Chicano Movement, Native American Movement, and the Feminist Movement. It was the beginning point were every nationality wanted equal rights as well. It was and still is a memorable event because of how effective it was. If we didn't have these movements our lives would of not been the same, people wouldn't have the same rights as others, people would be poor because they couldn't get good jobs that paid well, everyone would be discriminated from each other and it wouldn't show that the United States is equal in freedom. Since the movement was a success, a lot of people are equal in jobs, school, and in society. A lot of things made everyone equal and in the 21st century our president is the first African American named Barack Obama and it has a big impact on society. In sports a lot of players are mixed between African American, white, Asian, and other nationalities which showed that there was equality as well in sports. Before school teams used to be one nationality like Whites and Blacks going against each other. It was truly a amazing event and it will never be forgotten about.

The red area is the southern states with segregation
The fight for equality started back when Abraham Lincoln ended slavery. Since the African Americans been slaves they fought for their freedom in the civil war. After awhile African Americans didn't have that much of a good pay in jobs and they couldn't work in the army. But when July 26, 1948 came by Harry Truman ended segregation in the army with two executive orders. This was another stepping stone for African Americans at gaining equality. One thing  that they had to end would be the Jim Crow laws which took most of their rights away. In the 1950s-1960s, they fought with noncombat actions which then later gained themselves some rights and then in 1968, the civil rights movement ended and African Americans then gained rights to make them equal with others. The Civil Rights movement was mostly in the southern states. The states included Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, and Florida. These were important states because its where most African Americans lived and its a hot spot for discrimination. The most Important place would be at Washington D.C because it was where MLK Jr. had his famous speech "I have a dream" and it also was the place where black and white citizens combined together in unity.

The issue that was faced during the movement was caused by the Jim Crow laws, segregation, and unequal rights. Since African Americans fought in the wars it seemed like segregation had ended. But when they came home from World War 2, they faced a lot of discrimination in the south. The African American veterans basically fought for the country in which they are being discriminated. Therefore it brought the NAACP to fight with nonviolent actions to achieve civil justice. It all changed the way everyone looked at the United States. The first major action the African American civil rights leaders took was when Rosa Parks did not give up her seat to a white citizen in the front of the bus.
 When she got arrested it caused African American citizens to have a boycott that then became to be known as the Montgomery Bus boycott. It was lead by a preacher by the name of Martin Luther King JR. that later became to be known as a important civil rights leader in history. He was then accomplished by two African American leaders by the name of Thurgood Marshall and Malcolm X. Thurgood Marshall was a key figure in history because of his win in the Brown V. Board of Education, which stated that " Separate but equal" is illegal. Malcolm X preached the nonviolent and violent ways of the movement. He preached that the black panthers party was a good thing in the movement and preached the statement "black power". He also convinced people to join the movement which was a good thing. The most devastating event that happened in the movement was the Children's movement. It was devastating because a governor by the name of Bull Conner ordered firefighters to spray the protesters with hoses that was to powerful for them to even control it. This event shocked the whole nation and it showed how brutal the officers were when they used dogs and clubs to beat and control the protesters. It made people realize how hard the Civil Rights leaders and protesters were fighting hard for equality. The civil rights leaders achieved their goals from the most successful march and speech by Martin Luther King Jr. at the Washington Memorial in Washington D.C.